Thornford Women's Institute
Thornford WI meets on the second Wednesday of each month, except August, at 7.30 p.m in Thornford Village Hall to offer friendship, support and new learning opportunities to all members.
Monthly meetings commence with a speaker, illustrated talk or demonstration followed by a refreshment break before WI “business” is discussed as briefly as possible!
Trips, classes and other activities are often arranged for the members in addition to the regular monthly gatherings of the Book Club, Craft Group, Walking Group and Lunch Club.

Our membership currently stands at approx 40 members from Thornford and the wider communities of Sherborne, Yeovil, Yetminster and surrounding villages.
We aim to make sure we have something for everyone and new members are always most welcome!
Contact details
Further details from Secretary, Carolyn Jonas, on 01935 873971 or 07552 542497 or email carolynjonas7@gmail.com